Film Festivals: The True Movie Going Experience

The experience of walking the red carpet while cameras are flashing in Cannes may still be elusive for most, but enjoying a film festival experience, meeting filmmakers, celebs and going to parties is certainly not a totally exclusive realm for the privileged few. There is scarcely any time on the calendar when there is not a film festival happening somewhere, and quite often, there are many. Each event has its own characteristics, so each will cater to a crowd.

Sofia Coppola To Be Honored

The Provincetown International Film Festival (PIFF) has announced that Academy Award-winning writer/director Sofia Coppola will be named the 2017 Filmmaker on the Edge. Coppola will be in attendance to accept the award in conversation with resident artist John Waters on Saturday June 17th at Provincetown’s historic Town Hall.

Film Festival Roundup: Tribeca Announces Jury, Sarasota and Dallas Pick Winners, and More

The Provincetown International Film Festival (PIFF) has announced that Academy Award-winning writer/director Sofia Coppola will be named the 2017 Filmmaker on the Edge. Coppola will be in attendance to accept the award in conversation with resident artist John Waters on Saturday, June 17, at Provincetown’s historic Town Hall.
Additionally, the festival announced that actress and director Chloë Sevigny will receive the Excellence in Acting Award. Sevigny will accept in conversation with Eugene Hernandez, deputy director of the Film Society of Lincoln Center and co-publisher of Film Comment.